Interest only loans for your Investment Property may be at an all time high, once your Interest Only period expires.
Reviewing your financials might cause you to be in a tough situation financially with the revert rate, especially if you have tenants renegotiating the rental income due to high vacancy rates in your area (rental reduction).
Lending has definitely changed over the last few years, but you may find you have more than one solution.
It pays to have more than one option for finance. Every situation may have it’s challenges though – applicants age, source of income, etc.
Changing your loan to Principal and Interest may be an option for you, depending upon your lenders and the interest rate.
Some lenders may ask for your refinance of your existing Home Loan AND Investment Loan – so that they can offer you Interest Rates at Home Loan Rates for your Investment Property, which are less than typical Investment Home Loan Interest Rates.
Restructuring your financials could also leave you in a much better position financially. We might be able to reduce your interest rate lower than the advertised rate!
To check out how lenders see you in todays market, and to find out how we can make the best of your situation, please contact us to discuss