Many of us have money goals at different stages in our lives.
Our money journey can be affected by the choices we make, the people we have in our life as well.
Some people have a positive experience, with the plan being delivered with precision.
For some of us, it can be a bumpy ride while we work out life on our terms (aka divorce, separation, gold digger partners, poor financial decisions, differing money personalities, sexually transmitted debt).
It can take time to reach the point when you are ready to buy your property.
Your goals may be smaller, good job, regular savings, car paid off, keeping your credit file on track.
Or you could be that person who is single, no partner in sight but you would like to start your money journey on your own. You may decide to be a rentvestor buying investment properties until you are ready to settle in your chosen place.
From time to time, it can be a good idea to reflect on your life and if you are happy about where you are heading.
Sometimes we can have it back to front – good job, just enough savings through hard work week in week out, a few defaults on the credit file, paying child support. Guess what, this is ok as we have lenders who can deal with the real life issues which may affect you.
If you are unsure about your future plan for your future self, please call 0403 211 361 to have a chat or email