Building an Investment Portfolio

Some current home owners may find they have equity in their home loan. How to make the most of it?

A few of our clients may choose to stay on the path of paying down their home loan down, others may try to buy their investment property.

One of the first steps would be to understand the value of your home. Once we have established the value of your property, your options could be endless.

Will buying an investment property suit everyone? No definitely not. Circumstances differ from family to family. We encourage clients to contact their trusted friend/accountant/financial adviser and also take responsibility to educate about the good, the bad, the ugly.

Planning is vital when buying an investment property. You may find the ideal property for an investment, but once emotion is taken out of the equation we are left with the cold hard facts. It’s important to understand when you are buying a negative geared property and what it means to you financially instead of visualising your retirement in the sun, drinking pina colados.

If you would like to know more about your options for your next home, or feel frustrated by your current circumstances due to current commitments, please call or text 0403 211 361 to find out more.